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Welcome to the Club

At Apple A Day’s Clubhouse we dive into the fun and exciting world of neuroscience.

What is neuroscience?

Great question!

Neuroscience is the study of the brain and nervous system. The brain and nervous system are a part of our body. Everything you do and all your 5 senses are controlled by them.

For example;

  • Ever wonder how you taste delicious ice cream?

  • How do you imagine and dream?

  • Or how can you think and talk about your favorite superheroes?

Neuroscience can explain that and more!

However, neuroscience does not have an answer for everything just yet. Because neuroscience covers the massive area of “anything and everything humans can do or think about” there are a lot of mysteries and questions neuroscientists have (neuroscientists is the special name for scientists that work in this field) and it is up to you to discover and think about the answers.

Join the fun world of neuroscience made easy in our Brain Clubhouse!


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